Source code for slipoframes.context

SLIPO API client wrapper.

This class provides methods for accessing `SLIPO API` functionality
from Jupyter notebooks

import os
import math
import pandas

from typing import Union, Tuple
from datetime import datetime

    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin

from slipo.client import Client
from slipo.process import API_VERSION, API_STATUS
from slipo.exceptions import SlipoException

from .model import Process, StepFile
from .utils import timestamp_to_datetime, format_file_size

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, Template
from IPython.display import HTML
import json

InputType = Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]

# Default API endpoint

[docs]class SlipoContext(Client): """A class that wraps :py:class:`Client <slipo.client.Client>` object. Args: api_key (str): SLIPO API key. base_url (str, optional): Base URL for SLIPO API endpoints. The default value is ````. requires_ssl (bool, optional): If `False`, unsecured connections are allowed (default `True`). Returns: A :py:class:`SlipoContext <slipoframes.context.SlipoContext>` object. """ def __init__(self, api_key: str, base_url: str = None, requires_ssl: bool = True): super().__init__(api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url, requires_ssl=requires_ssl) super().validate() print('Application key is valid!') def _flatten_file_system(self, obj: dict, result: list) -> list: if not type(obj) is dict: return if 'files' in obj: for f in obj['files']: result.append({ 'name': f['name'], 'modified': timestamp_to_datetime(f['modified']), 'size': f['size'], 'path': f['path'] }) if 'folders' in obj and type(obj['folders']) is list: for folder in obj['folders']: self._flatten_file_system(folder, result) return result
[docs] def file_browse(self, sort_col: str = 'modified', sort_asc: bool = True, format_size: bool = False) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Browse all files and folders on the remote file system. Args: sort_col (str): Sorting column name (default `modified`). sort_asc (bool, optional): Sets ascending sort order (default `True`). format_size (bool, optional): If `True`, the file size is converted to a user friendly string (default `False`). Returns: A :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with all files Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ # File system as JSON result = super().file_browse() # Flatten file system hierarchy data = self._flatten_file_system(result, []) # Create data frame df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data) # Check for empty frame if df.empty: print('No data found') return None # Check if sort column exists if not sort_col in df: print('Column {sort_col} was not found.' ' Sorting by column modified'.format(sort_col=sort_col)) sort_col = 'modified' df = df.sort_values(by=[sort_col], ascending=[sort_asc], axis=0) # Optionally, format file size if format_size == True: df['size'] = df['size'].apply(lambda x: format_file_size(x)) return df
[docs] def file_download(self, source: str, target: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Download a file from the remote file system. Args: source (str): Relative file path on the remote file system. target (str): The path where to save the file. overwrite (bool, optional): Set true if the operation should overwrite any existing file. Raises: SlipoException: If a network, server error or I/O error has occurred. """ result = super().file_download(source, target, overwrite=overwrite) print('File {source} copied to {target} successfully'.format( source=source, target=target)) return result
[docs] def file_upload(self, source: str, target: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Upload a file or folder to the remote file system. When a folder is being copied, only the files of the folder are copied while any sub-folders are ignored. Note: File size constraints are enforced on the uploaded file. The default installation allows files up to 20 Mb. Moreover, space quotas are applied on the server. The default user space is 5GB. Directory nesting constraints are applied for the ``target`` value. The default installation allows nesting of directories up to 5 levels. Args: source (str): The path of the file to upload. target (str): Relative path on the remote file system where to save the file. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. overwrite (bool, optional): Set true if the operation should overwrite any existing file. Raises: SlipoException: If a network, server error or I/O error has occurred. """ if os.path.isfile(source): # Copy a single file super().file_upload(source, target, overwrite=overwrite) print( 'File [{source}] uploaded successfully' .format(source=source) ) elif os.path.isdir(source): # Check target path extension = os.path.splitext(target) # The target folder must not have an extension if extension[1]: raise SlipoException( 'Target {target} must be a folder'.format(target=target)) else: self._upload_folder(source, target, overwrite) else: raise SlipoException( 'Source {source} does not exist'.format(source=source))
def _upload_folder(self, sourceDir, targetDir, overwrite): # Copy all files from the source directory files = [ f for f in os.listdir(sourceDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sourceDir, f)) ] for f in files: sourceFile = os.path.join(sourceDir, f) targetFile = os.path.join(targetDir, f) super().file_upload(sourceFile, targetFile, overwrite=overwrite) print( 'File [{targetFile}] uploaded successfully' .format(targetFile=targetFile) )
[docs] def catalog_query(self, term: str = None, pageIndex: int = 0, pageSize: int = 10) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Query resource catalog for RDF datasets. Args: term (str, optional): A term for filtering resources. If specified, only the resources whose name contains the term are returned. pageIndex (str, optional): Page index for data pagination. pageSize (str, optional): Page size for data pagination. Returns: A :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with the selected resources Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = super().catalog_query( term=term, pageIndex=pageIndex, pageSize=pageSize ) return result, record_path=['items'] ).drop( ['version'], axis=1 )[['id', 'name', 'description', 'size', 'numberOfEntities', 'tableName', 'createdOn', 'boundingBox']]
[docs] def catalog_download(self, resource_id: int, target: str) -> None: """Download resource to the local file system Args: resource_id (int): The resource id. target (str): The path where to save the file. Raises: SlipoException: If a network, server error or I/O error has occurred. """ result = resource_id, 1, target) print('Resource {resource} copied to {target} successfully'.format( resource=(resource_id, 1), target=target)) return result
def _process_to_dict(self, p: dict) -> dict: return { 'Id': p['id'], 'Version': p['version'], 'Updated On': timestamp_to_datetime(p['updatedOn']), 'Executed On': timestamp_to_datetime(p['executedOn']), 'Name': p['name'], 'Description': p['description'], 'Task Type': p['taskType'], } def _flatten_workflows(self, records: list, result: list) -> list: if not type(records) is list: return for p in records: if 'revisions' in p: for r in p['revisions']: result.append(self._process_to_dict(r)) else: result.append(self._process_to_dict(p)) return result
[docs] def process_query(self, term: str = None, pageIndex: int = 0, pageSize: int = 10) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Query workflow instances. Args: term (str, optional): A term for filtering workflows. If specified, only the workflows whose name contains the term are returned. pageIndex (str, optional): Page index for data pagination (default `0`). pageSize (str, optional): Page size for data pagination (default `10`). Returns: A :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with the selected processes Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = super().process_query( term=term, pageIndex=pageIndex, pageSize=pageSize ) data = self._flatten_workflows(result['items'], []) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data) # Check for empty frame if df.empty: print('No data found') return None # Reorder columns df = df[['Id', 'Version', 'Task Type', 'Name', 'Description', 'Updated On', 'Executed On']] return df
[docs] def process_save(self, process_id: Union[int, Process]) -> Process: """Creates a new version for the specified workflow. The most recent version of the workflow is copied. Args: process_id (Union[int, Process]): The process id or an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = None if type(process_id) is Process: result = super().process_save( else: result = super().process_save(process_id) process = Process(result) print(process) return process
[docs] def process_status(self, process_id: Union[int, Process], process_version: int = None, format_size: bool = False) -> Process: """Check the status of a workflow execution instance and return all execution files. Args: process_id (Union[int, Process]): The process id or an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` process_version (int): The process revision. If `process_id` is an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>`, this parameter is ignored. format_size (bool, optional): If true, file size is converted to a user friendly string (default `False`). Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = None if type(process_id) is Process: result = super().process_status(, process_id.version) else: result = super().process_status(process_id, process_version) process = Process(result) print(process) return process
[docs] def process_start(self, process_id: Union[int, Process], process_version: int = None) -> Process: """Start or resume execution of a workflow instance. Args: process_id (Union[int, Process]): The process id or an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` process_version (int): The process revision. If `process_id` is an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>`, this parameter is ignored. Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = None if type(process_id) is Process: result = super().process_start(, process_id.version) print('Process {process} started successfully'.format( process=(, process_id.version))) else: result = super().process_start(process_id, process_version) print('Process {process} started successfully'.format( process=(process_id, process_version))) process = Process(result) return process
[docs] def process_stop(self, process_id: Union[int, Process], process_version: int = None) -> None: """Stop a running workflow execution instance. Args: process_id (Union[int, Process]): The process id or an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` process_version (int): The process revision. If `process_id` is an instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>`, this parameter is ignored. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = None if type(process_id) is Process: result = super().process_stop(, process_id.version) print('Process {process} stopped successfully'.format( process=(, process_id.version))) else: result = super().process_stop(process_id, process_version) print('Process {process} stopped successfully'.format( process=(process_id, process_version))) return result
[docs] def process_file_download(self, process_id: Union[int, StepFile], process_version: int = None, file_id: int = None, target: str = None, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Download an input or output file for a specific workflow execution instance. During the execution of a workflow the following file types may be created: - ``CONFIGURATION``: Tool configuration - ``INPUT``: Input file - ``OUTPUT``: Output file - ``SAMPLE``: Sample data collected during step execution - ``KPI``: Tool specific or aggregated KPI data - ``QA``: Tool specific QA data - ``LOG``: Logs recorded during step execution Args: process_id (Union[int, StepFile]): The process id or an instance of :py:class:`StepFile <slipoframes.model.StepFile>`. If a file object is specified, `process_version` and `file_id` arguments are ignored. process_version (int, optional): The process revision. file_id (int, optional): The file id. target (str): The path where to save the file. overwrite (bool, optional): Set true if the operation should overwrite any existing file. Raises: SlipoException: If a network, server error or I/O error has occurred. """ result = None if target is None: raise SlipoException('Parameter target is required') if os.path.isfile(target) and not overwrite: raise SlipoException( 'File {target} already exists'.format(target=target)) if os.path.isdir(target): raise SlipoException( 'Parameter {target} is a directory'.format(target=target)) if type(process_id) is StepFile: result = super().process_file_download( process_id.process_id, process_id.process_version,, target) else: result = super().process_file_download( process_id, process_version, file_id, target) if type(process_id) is StepFile: print('Process file {file} copied to {target} successfully'.format( file=(process_id.process_id, process_id.process_version,, target=target)) else: print('Process file {file} copied to {target} successfully'.format( file=(process_id, process_version, file_id), target=target)) return result
[docs] def process_render(self, process: Process) -> HTML: """Render a process as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) Args: process (Process): An existing instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Returns: An instance of `HTML` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network, server error or I/O error has occurred. """ # Declare filter for escaping quotes def quote_filter(markup): text = markup.unescape() return text.replace('"', '&quot;') # Create and configure the environment env = Environment( loader=PackageLoader('slipoframes', 'templates'), autoescape=True) env.filters['quote'] = quote_filter # Prepare data data = { 'process': process.process, 'execution': process.execution } template = env.get_template('workflow.html.j2') endpoint = API_STATUS.format( api_version=API_VERSION,, version=process.version, ) url = urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) # Render template return HTML(template.render( session_token=self.session_token, data=data, url=url, ))
def _handle_operation_response(self, result: dict) -> Process: process = Process(result) print(process) return process
[docs] def profiles(self) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Get the profiles of all SLIPO Toolkit components. Returns: A :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with the profiles of all SLIPO Toolkit components. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = super().profiles() data = [] for tool in result.keys(): for profile in result[tool]: data.append([tool, profile]) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data, columns=['Tool', 'Profile']) if not df.empty: df = df.sort_values(by=['Tool', 'Profile'], axis=0) return df
[docs] def transform_csv( self, path: str, **kwargs ) -> Process: """Transforms a CSV file to a RDF dataset. Args: path (str): The relative path for a file on the remote user file system. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **attrCategory** (str, optional): Field name containing literals regarding classification into categories (e.g., type of points, road classes etc.) for each feature. - **attrGeometry** (str, optional): Parameter that specifies the name of the geometry column in the input dataset. - **attrKey** (str, optional): Field name containing unique identifier for each entity (e.g., each record in the shapefile). - **attrName** (str, optional): Field name containing name literals (i.e., strings). - **attrX** (str, optional): Specify attribute holding X-coordinates of point locations. If inputFormat is not `CSV`, the parameter is ignored. - **attrY** (str, optional): Specify attribute holding Y-coordinates of point locations. If inputFormat is not `CSV`, the parameter is ignored. - **classificationSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML/CSV file describing a classification scheme. - **defaultLang** (str, optional): Default lang for the labels created in the output RDF (default: `en`). - delimiter (str, optional): Specify the character delimiting attribute values. - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **featureSource** (str, optional): Specifies the data source provider of the input features. - **mappingSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML file containing mappings from input schema to RDF according to a custom ontology. - **profile** (str, optional): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. If profile is not set, the `mappingSpec` parameter must be set. - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values. - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = super().transform_csv( path, **kwargs ) return self._handle_operation_response(result)
[docs] def transform_shapefile( self, path: str, **kwargs ) -> Process: """Transforms a SHAPEFILE file to a RDF dataset. Args: path (str): The relative path for a file on the remote user file system. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **attrCategory** (str, optional): Field name containing literals regarding classification into categories (e.g., type of points, road classes etc.) for each feature. - **attrGeometry** (str, optional): Parameter that specifies the name of the geometry column in the input dataset. - **attrKey** (str, optional): Field name containing unique identifier for each entity (e.g., each record in the shapefile). - **attrName** (str, optional): Field name containing name literals (i.e., strings). - **classificationSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML/CSV file describing a classification scheme. - **defaultLang** (str, optional): Default lang for the labels created in the output RDF (default: `en`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **featureSource** (str, optional): Specifies the data source provider of the input features. - **mappingSpec** (str, optional): The relative path to a YML file containing mappings from input schema to RDF according to a custom ontology. - **profile** (str, optional): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. If profile is not set, the `mappingSpec` parameter must be set. - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ result = super().transform_shapefile( path, **kwargs ) return self._handle_operation_response(result)
[docs] def fuse( self, profile: str, left: InputType, right: InputType, links: InputType ) -> Process: """Fuses two RDF datasets using Linked Data and returns a new RDF dataset. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. left (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]): The `left` RDF dataset. right (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]): The `right` RDF dataset. links (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]): The links for the `left` and `right` datasets. Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ if type(left) is StepFile: left = (left.process_id, left.process_version, if type(right) is StepFile: right = (right.process_id, right.process_version, if type(links) is StepFile: links = (links.process_id, links.process_version, result = super().fuse(profile, left, right, links) return self._handle_operation_response(result)
[docs] def enrich( self, profile: str, source: InputType ) -> Process: """Enriches a RDF dataset. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]): The RDF dataset to enrich. Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ if type(source) is StepFile: source = (source.process_id, source.process_version, result = super().enrich(profile, source) return self._handle_operation_response(result)
[docs] def export_csv( self, profile: str, source: InputType, **kwargs ) -> Process: """Exports a RDF dataset to a CSV file. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]): The RDF dataset to export. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **defaultLang** (str, optional): The default language for labels created in output RDF. The default is "en". - delimiter (str, optional):A field delimiter for records (default: `;`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values (default `"`). - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **sparqlFile** (str, optional): The relative path to a file containing a user-specified SELECT query (in SPARQL) that will retrieve results from the input RDF triples. This query should conform with the underlying ontology of the input RDF triples. - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ if type(source) is StepFile: source = (source.process_id, source.process_version, result = super().export_csv(profile, source, **kwargs) return self._handle_operation_response(result)
[docs] def export_shapefile( self, profile: str, source: InputType, **kwargs ) -> Process: """Exports a RDF dataset to a SHAPEFILE file. Args: profile (str): The name of the profile to use. Profile names can be retrieved using :meth:`profiles` method. source (Union[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], StepFile]): The RDF dataset to export. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to control the transform operation. Options are: - **defaultLang** (str, optional): The default language for labels created in output RDF. The default is "en". - delimiter (str, optional):A field delimiter for records (default: `;`). - **encoding** (str, optional): The encoding (character set) for strings in the input data (default: `UTF-8`) - **quote** (str, optional): Specify quote character for string values (default `"`). - **sourceCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the source CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). - **sparqlFile** (str, optional): The relative path to a file containing a user-specified SELECT query (in SPARQL) that will retrieve results from the input RDF triples. This query should conform with the underlying ontology of the input RDF triples. - **targetCRS** (str, optional): Specify the EPSG code for the target CRS (default: `EPSG:4326`). Returns: A new instance of :py:class:`Process <slipoframes.model.Process>` class. Raises: SlipoException: If a network or server error has occurred. """ if type(source) is StepFile: source = (source.process_id, source.process_version, result = super().export_shapefile(profile, source, **kwargs) return self._handle_operation_response(result)